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Adding session musicians


The fourth tab is the MUSICIANS tab. This tab allows you to add any session musicians that recorded on the track. You can tag multple musicians to one track.

When you have added all the appropriate information, click the ADD MUSICIAN button to add the musician to the list. 

* IMPORTANT: If you do not click the "ADD SESSION MUSICIAN" button  , the session musician will NOT be linked to the track

Select Musician
This drop down box gets populated with the list of writers that are added in the system. ( SETUP >> MUSICIANS )
If you find that the session musician is not in the system, you can do a "quick add", by clicking on the blue button  and typing in their first and last name. You can go back to SETUP >> MUSICIANS to finish entering their contact information.

Duty of Musician
How did the session musician contribute to the track?

Work For Hire Status
Select the status of his/her Work For Hire

Add any comments that pertain to the session musician being added.